Environmental Project Management
Service Director
BECS Pacific, Ltd.
Enviro-Guide Inc. will always act in your best interest when developing and managing your environmental projects. We strive to select only the most environmentally safe technologies and strategies while at the same time minimizing your liability in a cost-effective manner.
As a promoter of full environmental compliance, Enviro-Guide will make a point of investigating opportunities to incorporate your waste materials into another applicable manufacturing process as a recycled material. Where there is an opportunity to minimize waste generated, Enviro-Guide will educate your staff in efficient materials handling procedures.
Our turn-key system allows you the freedom to concentrate on your production while Enviro-Guide compliance specialists handle disposal needs from identification to destruction, tracking your waste with paper trail documentation.
Services Include:
• Material Profile
• Packaging and Labeling
• Disposal Options
• Transportation
• Manifesting
• Recordkeeping
• Bulking
• Drum and Bulk Disposal
• Large and Small Quantity Generator Services